Monday, July 25, 2011

The Atheist AA Blog: A.A. Gets Honest with Clergy about Atheists and Agnostics

The Atheist AA Blog: A.A. Gets Honest with Clergy about Atheists and Agnostics


  1. AA's Third Tradition states that, "The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking." A.A. General Service Conference-approved literature, pamphlet, #25, “Members of the Clergy ask about Alcoholics Anonymous” states:

    "It would be unrealistic to assume that all A.A. members are spiritually inspired. Many, too, are not committed to a formal body of religious doctrine…the AA program of recovery is based on certain spiritual values. Individual members are free to interpret these values as they think best, or not to think of them at all."

    This is what Bill Wilson, AA's founder meant by "radical inclusion."

  2. Alas! You forgurt the one punkUation mark in your title which maybe made me believe your had credence: the COMMA.

    ' [COMMA] too'
    Scrwool's have totally forgotten how.
    You should be, TA-DA! reborn.
    Think about that possibility.
    Amazing concept.
    God blessa youse
    -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL
